
  1. 1. We celebrate this person’s birthday on Christmas day.
  2. 4. What vegetable do you associate with Halloween?
  3. 6. What treat are you likely to get on halloween?
  4. 9. Sweet kind of food that is made with cocoa beans that have been cooked into a brown paste. You can find it in brownies and M&M's for example
  5. 12. If a house is full of ghosts it is _______
  6. 13. A large sock that we hang above the chimney for Father Christmas to leave small presents in.
  7. 15. Area around a house where there are trees and grass and where you can go and play. Children go to this place at Easter to look for the candies.
  8. 16. the type of songs we sing at Christmas, for example, Jingle Bells or we wish you a merry Christmas.
  9. 18. it’s a branch from a tree that we hang above a door. If two people meet under this branch they have to kiss.
  10. 20. Last name of Jesus, who died and was born again, this is why we celebrate Easter.
  11. 22. Which month is Halloween
  12. 24. Book that tells the story of Jesus and of the beginning of the Christian religion.
  13. 26. ___ or treat
  14. 27. What monster appears when it is a full moon?
  15. 28. A circular Christmas decoration made of leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits that we hang on our front door.
  16. 30. Chickens lay them and we use them to make omelets.
  1. 2. He is a big fat man with a white beard, who sneaks down the chimney on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas day, and leaves presents to children who have been good all year but leaves coal to the naughty kids
  2. 3. What ancient monster is made from bandages?
  3. 5. What we eat after Christmas dinner, sweet and sticky.
  4. 7. First day of the Easter celebrations. It is the fifth day of the week and. it is the opposite of bad
  5. 8. a small, round, shiny colourful or decorated plastic ball that we hang on our Christmas trees to make it look pretty.
  6. 10. To go look for something or chase after something. This is what children do for Easter : they go outside and go look for the candies.
  7. 11. Dracula was a ____
  8. 14. What do you wear on Halloween?
  9. 17. To put colours and draw or paint on something to make it more beautiful
  10. 19. Jack O'___________
  11. 21. Little animal that has long ears, big front teeth and a round furry tail. It hops around and
  12. 23. The main part of the meal we eat on Christmas day, it’s an ugly bird.
  13. 25. a sledge pulled by horses or reindeers at Christmas, Father Christmas travels to the children’s houses on this.
  14. 29. carrots. At Easter, it is called a « bunny ».