
  1. 1. "My name is _____ and I like warm hugs"
  2. 5. "was a jolly happy soul"
  3. 8. Every year grandma adds an ________ to the tree
  4. 10. What number is significant to Kwanzaa
  5. 14. Birthplace of Jesus
  6. 15. Minty read and white stripes
  7. 16. First blank page of a 365 page book
  8. 17. Where did I see mommy kissing Santa Clause
  9. 19. Birthday of Jesus Christ
  10. 22. Santa's famous words
  11. 23. Santa's gift mobile
  12. 25. Best drink for the winter season
  1. 2. Kwanzaa will celebrate ______ years in 2016
  2. 3. Ring-shaped flower arrangement
  3. 4. Red nose reindeer
  4. 6. The Festival of Lights
  5. 7. Culture that observes Hannukkah
  6. 9. Smoke vent
  7. 11. are hung over the fireplace
  8. 12. Holiday that begins on December 26th
  9. 13. Wrapped underneath the Christmas tree
  10. 18. Where Santa's workshop can be found
  11. 19. Singing Christmas music door-to-door
  12. 20. Virgin ______
  13. 21. Ice crystals
  14. 23. "Old Saint Nick"
  15. 24. Santa's helpers