
  1. 3. A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
  2. 6. New Year A celebration marking the beginning of the lunar calendar year.
  3. 8. A day of celebration or rest, often with cultural or religious significance.
  4. 9. A period of time when someone takes a break from work or school.
  5. 12. Day A holiday celebrating a country's freedom and sovereignty.
  6. 13. The two days at the end of the week, typically Saturday and Sunday.
  7. 14. A holiday on October 31st, often associated with costumes and candies.
  8. 15. A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  1. 1. A Hindu festival of lights, symbolizing victory of light over darkness.
  2. 2. Day A holiday honoring workers and their contributions.
  3. 4. A holiday when people express gratitude and give thanks for blessings.
  4. 5. A Jewish holiday commemorating the miracle of oil in the temple.
  5. 7. Day A day to express love and affection to others, often celebrated on February 14th.
  6. 10. Year The beginning of a new calendar year.
  7. 11. Day A day to honor and remember those who died in military service.