
  1. 3. someone who comes to give you present.
  2. 4. the boss of a school.
  3. 5. this is a poor countries.
  4. 7. finds new things.
  5. 10. someone comes and delivers eggs.
  6. 11. home of the boxing kangaroos.
  7. 13. someone who takes photos.
  8. 14. a country that sounds cold but hot.
  9. 16. someone who cooks at a restraunts.
  10. 18. some thing that fly to different countries.
  11. 19. someone who builds stuff.
  1. 1. train this thing goes so fast that the magnetic forces it makes it go off the traces.
  2. 2. someone who does magic.
  3. 6. a girl act in stuff.
  4. 8. someone who explores space.
  5. 9. someone who fixes cars.
  6. 12. a country that sounds hot but cold.
  7. 15. someone who goes to court.
  8. 17. the largest sand island on earth.