
  1. 2. someone who is skilled when taking photos.
  2. 3. someone who finds new things.
  3. 5. someone who fixes machines.
  4. 8. biggest holiday
  5. 9. something you need to put your stuff in when you go overseas.
  6. 11. up near the reef
  7. 12. you get eggs on the particular day.
  8. 14. its lucky and its beautiful it's a country.
  9. 15. biggest reef
  10. 17. someone who works in the kitchen.
  11. 18. someone who works with music.
  12. 19. in the centre of Australia
  1. 1. someone who builds buildings.
  2. 2. something you need to go over seas
  3. 4. movie worker.
  4. 6. everyone gets lots of presents and
  5. 7. someone who helps people not go to court.
  6. 10. its in qld in Brisbane small island starts with s.
  7. 13. something that you get transported on
  8. 16. someone who fly's to space in a rocket.