  1. 4. a construction that goes out over the sea
  2. 5. take a ride on this to get views across the city
  3. 6. a luxury way of camping
  4. 10. another way for rent
  5. 11. children might take a ride on the beach on one of these
  6. 14. similar to a caravan or a camping van
  7. 15. you may wish to stay in a four hotel
  1. 1. a place to stay
  2. 2. you will need a rod and some bait to do it
  3. 3. what does B&B stand for?
  4. 7. boat a type of transport needed to travel along canals
  5. 8. a buzz word meaning a holiday in your own country
  6. 9. An aco-friendly way of seeing the countryside
  7. 12. take a stroll along this to breathe in the sea air
  8. 13. travel companies may offer you this instead of giving money back