
  1. 1. A bright orange squash used to make pie
  2. 4. Hugs and ______
  3. 7. Red, white, and ____
  4. 8. Easter color palette
  5. 11. A red and white striped Christmas candy
  6. 13. The red-nosed reindeer
  7. 15. The season after Winter
  8. 17. The symbol of love
  9. 19. A winged archer who shoots people with magical arrows to make them fall in love
  10. 20. A flower with a sweet scent and thorns
  11. 21. Frosty the _______
  12. 23. Placed under the Christmas tree
  13. 25. Used to color Easter eggs
  14. 26. Where Santa lives
  15. 28. A hat, usually tied under the chin
  16. 30. Valentine’s Day happens during this month
  1. 2. Early settlers from Europe
  2. 3. Independence Day is celebrated on the fourth of ____
  3. 5. They work in Santa’s workshop
  4. 6. A big, present-giving grandpa wearing all red who loves cookies
  5. 9. The main color associated with Valentine’s Day
  6. 10. Where you see floats
  7. 11. The hen’s baby
  8. 12. This decoration is usually placed on the top of the Christmas tree
  9. 14. They are hung on Christmas trees
  10. 16. He is grumpy, green, and stole Christmas
  11. 18. What you wear on your finger
  12. 22. Christmas songs
  13. 24. The traditional thanksgiving holiday bird
  14. 27. An emotion felt on Valentine’s Day
  15. 29. An animal that delivers colorful painted eggs filled with candy on Easter