
  1. 1. The night of 31 October, the holiday often celebrated by children dressing up in frightening masks and costumes
  2. 5. A religious and cultural festival celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth that is typically observed on December 25th
  3. 6. A day when it is traditional to send a card, often anonymously, to a person one is romantically involved with or attracted to.(2 words)
  4. 8. A large bird grown for its meat on farms
  5. 9. An alcoholic drink made with cream, sugar, eggs, and distilled spirits.
  6. 10. A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness
  7. 12. Another name for Halloween.(3 words)
  1. 2. An artificial chocolate egg or decorated hard-boiled egg given at Easter.
  2. 3. The most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held between 21 March and 25 April, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring
  3. 4. A cookie made with molasses and ginger
  4. 7. The god of love in ancient Rome
  5. 11. The Christmas season”; derived from Old French.