
  1. 2. Gras A festive holiday celebrated with parades, masks, and parties, often associated with New Orleans and Carnival season.
  2. 5. A holiday in November when families gather to express gratitude and enjoy a special meal, often with turkey.
  3. 6. A holiday in spring when people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, often with egg hunts and chocolate treats.
  4. 7. Year's Day The first day of the year, celebrated on January 1st with fireworks, parties, and resolutions for the year ahead.
  5. 11. A holiday on October 31st when people dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and carve pumpkins.
  6. 13. A holiday celebrated on December 25th with gifts, decorations, and the story of Santa Claus.
  7. 14. A holiday in spring when people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, often with egg hunts and chocolate treats.
  8. 15. A Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting, with prayers, feasts, and giving to charity.
  9. 16. Patrick's Day A holiday on March 17th to celebrate Irish culture, often marked by wearing green and searching for leprechauns.
  1. 1. A Jewish holiday lasting eight nights, often celebrated in December with menorahs, dreidels, and gifts.
  2. 3. A Hindu festival of lights celebrated in autumn with lamps, fireworks, and feasts to symbolize the victory of light over darkness.
  3. 4. Day A holiday on July 4th to celebrate the birth of the United States, marked by fireworks and patriotic festivities.
  4. 8. New Year A holiday celebrated by Chinese communities around the world to welcome the lunar new year with dragon dances and red decorations.
  5. 9. Day A holiday on November 11th to honor and thank military veterans for their service to the country.
  6. 10. Day A holiday on February 14th when people show affection to loved ones with cards, flowers, and chocolates.
  7. 12. Day A holiday on the first Monday in September to honor the contributions of workers and mark the end of summer.