
  1. 2. The first day of the year, often marked with fireworks and celebrations
  2. 6. A holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes and candy
  3. 8. A Hindu festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil
  4. 9. A holiday celebrated on February 14th, known for expressing love and affection to others
  5. 10. A fictional character often associated with Easter, who brings eggs and treats to children
  6. 11. The Chinese lunar new year celebration, marked by traditional customs and festivities
  7. 13. A holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada, giving thanks for the blessings of the year, usually accompanied by a festive meal
  1. 1. A holiday commemorating a country's independence or freedom, often celebrated with parades and fireworks
  2. 3. A holiday honoring the patron saint of Ireland, commonly associated with wearing green and parades
  3. 4. A holiday honoring workers and their contributions
  4. 5. A holiday celebrated on October 31st, often characterized by costumes and trick-or-treating
  5. 6. A Jewish holiday commemorating the miracle of the oil, observed for eight nights with the lighting of the menorah
  6. 7. A holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, typically observed with egg hunts and religious services
  7. 11. A holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25th
  8. 12. An Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan