
  1. 5. A holiday in November where families gather to give thanks, enjoy a delicious feast, and express gratitude for blessings.
  2. 8. A traditional Chinese holiday celebrated in January or February, marking the beginning of the lunar new year with festivities.
  3. 9. A springtime holiday where kids search for colorful eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
  4. 11. A day to express love and affection, often through the exchange of cards and gifts, and to show appreciation for loved ones.
  5. 14. A joyous holiday celebrated in December, where families exchange gifts, decorate trees, and come together to spread happiness.
  6. 15. A spooky holiday celebrated on October 31st, where people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating for candy.
  1. 1. A holiday honoring the contributions and achievements of workers, celebrated with parades, picnics, and recreational activities.
  2. 2. A day to celebrate and appreciate fathers and father figures, often through gifts, cards, and spending quality time together.
  3. 3. The first day of the new year, celebrated with parties, fireworks, and resolutions to make the coming year a great one.
  4. 4. A holiday celebrated on March 17th, known for wearing green attire and celebrating Irish culture with parades and festivities.
  5. 6. A patriotic holiday celebrated on July 4th, commemorating the United States' independence with fireworks and festivities.
  6. 7. A day dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the rights and well-being of children, with fun activities and special events.
  7. 10. The day after Easter Sunday, often observed as a holiday in many countries, providing an additional day to relax and enjoy.
  8. 12. A day to honor and show appreciation for mothers and mother figures, often with gifts, cards, and acts of kindness.
  9. 13. A Hindu festival of lights, celebrating the victory of light over darkness and good over evil, with fireworks and decorations.