
  1. 2. a narroe boat
  2. 5. your suitcases
  3. 6. take it easy
  4. 9. something to do
  5. 13. where you stay on your holiday
  6. 15. salt water lake
  7. 16. helps you breathe underwater
  8. 18. you need one to travel
  9. 20. helps you move on a boat in the water
  1. 1. a reservation
  2. 3. to get there
  3. 4. no school
  4. 7. many things to do
  5. 8. an important paper like a passport
  6. 10. about your holiday
  7. 11. you need one to go to another country
  8. 12. to go to another country you have to t__________
  9. 14. to leave
  10. 17. a nice place to stay
  11. 19. you take pictures with it