
  1. 2. Because of GOD's presence, what is described as Holy? (Ex.3:5)
  2. 5. "The ______ of THE LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of THE HOLY is understanding" (Prov.9:10)
  3. 9. "HE sent redemption unto HIS people: HE hath commanded HIS covenant for ever: HOLY and Reverend is HIS Name." (Ps.111:9)
  4. 10. "Let them praise THY Great and Terrible ______; for it is HOLY. (Ps.99:3)
  5. 12. "THE LORD is ______ in all HIS ways, And HOLY in all HIS Works" (Ps.145:17)
  6. 15. WHO is Ps.16:10 referring to?
  7. 16. How many are Holy 'Like' THE LORD? (1Sam.2:22)
  8. 17. GOD is described as _______ in Holiness? (Ex.15:11)
  9. 18. ".....I know THEE WHO THOU ART, THE HOLY ONE of GOD." (Mk.1:24)
  10. 19. "O Worship THE LORD in the ______ of Holiness" (Ps.96:9)
  11. 20. "The Holy _____ have mingled themselves with the people of those lands" (Ezra9:2)
  1. 1. "But ye ______ THE HOLY ONE and THE JUST, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you" (Acts 3:14)
  2. 3. "....They have forsaken THE LORD, they have ______ THE HOLY ONE of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward." (Is.1:4)
  3. 4. Job had not concealed the ______ of the Holy ONE. (Job6:10)
  4. 6. "....even so now yield your members ______ to righteousness unto holiness." (Rom.6:19)
  5. 7. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the Mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is your ______ service." (Rom.12:1)
  6. 8. "Preserve my soul; for i am holy: O THOU my GOD, save THY ______ that trusteth in THEE." (Ps.86:2)
  7. 11. ".....might serve HIM without fear, In holiness and righteousness before HIM, ______ the days of our life." (Lk.1:74,75)
  8. 13. "HOLY FATHER, keep through THINE OWN Name those whom THOU hast given ME, that they may be one, _______ WE are." (Jn.17:11)
  9. 14. "And ye shall be ______ men unto ME." (Ex.22:31)