Holy Week

  1. 6. The women told the eleven of these that were left after seeing the empty tomb. (Luke 24:9-12)
  2. 7. The significance of Jesus washing his disciples' feet was to remind them to be a _______ to one another. (John 13:1-17)
  3. 8. The disciple that doubted the resurrection. (John 20:24-25)
  4. 14. Jesus said to Thomas to touch his hands and his ________. (John 20:27)
  5. 15. The inscription above Jesus' head was written in ________ Latin and Greek. (John 20:19-20)
  6. 19. The Mary who was the first to discover the empty tomb. (John 20:1)
  7. 20. Place where the governor's soldiers took Jesus to mock him and put on him the crown of thorns. (Matthew 27:27-31)
  8. 23. Before Jesus' ascension, he told them to go and make disciples of all of this. (Matthew 28:18:20)
  9. 24. High priest who questioned Jesus during his trial. (Matthew 26:57)
  10. 25. Disciple who betrayed Jesus. (Matthew 24:14-16)
  11. 26. Disciple who betrayed Jesus three times. (Luke 22:54-62)
  12. 28. Name of the man from Arimathea who asked for Jesus' body. (Matthew 27:57)
  1. 1. Jesus said feed my ________. (John 21:15)
  2. 2. Jesus explained to the men traveling on the road to Emmaus that these were written about him. (Luke 24:25-27)
  3. 3. Amount of silver coins Judas received. (Matthew 26:14-16)
  4. 4. Name of place where Jesus was crucified. (Matthew 24:33)
  5. 5. The amount of days between Jesus' resurrection and ascension. (Acts 1:3-5)
  6. 7. Color of robe the soldiers put on Jesus when they were mocking him. (Matthew 27:27-31)
  7. 9. Part of the temple that was torn in two after Jesus breathed his last. (Matthew 27:51)
  8. 10. Name of place Jesus ascended into heaven. (Luke 24:50-53)
  9. 11. Jesus said ________ be with you to his disciples when he first appeared to them. (John 20:19-20)
  10. 12. Pilate asked Jesus if he was ________ of the Jews. (Matthew 27:11)
  11. 13. Last words Jesus spoke before he died: "It is ______. (John 19:30)
  12. 16. A great _______ sent by the chief priests came to arrest Jesus. (Matthew 26:47-50)
  13. 17. Name of the man who carried the cross for Jesus. (Mark 1521)
  14. 18. Jesus said in my name you will drive out _______. (Mark 16:17)
  15. 20. Roman governor who found no fault with Jesus. (Matthew 27:11-14)
  16. 21. This is my body do this in ___________ of me. (Luke 22:19)
  17. 22. Jesus prayed for this in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:39)
  18. 27. The disciple who outran Peter to reach the tomb first. (John 20:3-4)