Holy Week Crossword

  1. 2. What Jewish holiday were Jesus and the Apostles celebrating at the Last Supper?
  2. 6. The day of Holy Week when we celebrate the Last Supper.
  3. 9. At the Last Supper, Jesus celebrated instituted the (blank), where He gives us His Body and His Blood.
  4. 10. At the Last Supper, Jesus (blank) the 12 Apostles' feet.
  5. 11. This Apostle betrayed Jesus after the Last Supper.
  6. 12. How many days is the season of Lent?
  7. 14. The day of Holy Week when Jesus died on the Cross.
  8. 15. The day Jesus rose from the dead!
  9. 16. Jesus gave His mother to his beloved Apostle. What's her name?
  10. 18. The sacrament the new members receive where their sins are washed away; we renew these promises every year at Easter, too.
  1. 1. The day between Jesus' death and resurrection.
  2. 3. At the (blank) Mass on Tuesday of Holy Week, the churches receive special oils from the bishop.
  3. 4. At this special Mass the night before Easter, we welcome new member into the Catholic Church.
  4. 5. The Sunday before Easter, we receive (blank) and have them blessed.
  5. 7. This Apostle was the only one who didn't run away, and who stood with Jesus' mother at the foot of the Cross.
  6. 8. Jesus died on the Cross to save us from our (blank).
  7. 11. The city where Jesus died.
  8. 12. How many days is the season of Easter?
  9. 13. After Jesus was taken down from the Cross, they placed him in a new (blank).
  10. 17. This Apostle denied Jesus three times after the Last Supper.