- 2. A piece of cloth or paper used for making something dry.
- 5. A strong chemical used for cleaning things or removing colour from things.
- 6. A small, thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end that you hit into something with a hammer.
- 10. curtain It stops the water from leaving the shower.
- 11. A stick with soft material attached to one end, especially used for washing floors.
- 12. A thin metal pin, used in sewing.
- 14. An object with short pieces of hair, plastic, or wire attached to a base or handle, used for cleaning, e.t.c.
- 16. A container for garbage.
- 18. A part of an object designed for holding, moving, or carrying the object easily.
- 1. A small piece of material, used in cleaning to remove dirt, dust, or liquid.
- 3. A small piece of sticky cloth or plastic that you use to cover and protect a cut in the skin.
- 4. A metal container, used for cooking things on top of a cooker.
- 7. We use it for the clothes after we wash them.
- 8. A container with a handle, often used for carrying liquids.
- 9. A tool used for hitting things.
- 10. A small device that you can hold in your hand or use on a table to push staples through pieces of paper.
- 13. It's used to put the dirt into the brush.
- 15. An eraser (American)
- 17. A very thin fibre. Any cloth consists of them.