Home of the Brave

  1. 4. What does Kek call his new home in Minnesota?
  2. 6. What do cows mean in Africa?
  3. 8. Who is the “helping man”?
  4. 10. Where is Keks mother?
  5. 11. What did kek put in the washing machine?
  6. 13. Where is Keks’s family?
  7. 15. What does Kek call a “flying boat”?
  8. 18. Who is Keks first friend in America?
  1. 1. What provides light for Kek’s family back home?
  2. 2. What does Kek call a “cooking fire”
  3. 3. What does Kek call a “magic water pot”?
  4. 5. What provided warmth for Kek’s family back home?
  5. 7. What does Gol mean to Kek?
  6. 9. What are Ganwars scars a sign of?
  7. 12. Where is Kek from?
  8. 14. What provided security for Kek’s family in Sudan?
  9. 16. What is the name for someone who flees their country due to disasters?
  10. 17. What caused Ganwar to lose his hand?