HOme work

  1. 3. A large mass of salt water between continents
  2. 5. A small smooth stone on a beach
  3. 8. A place with many streeys, offuces, factories, shops and homes
  4. 13. A part of the land that is mush higher than the land around it
  5. 15. A particular part of the land that is higher
  6. 17. A length of sand and small stones at the edge of the sea
  7. 18. A small area with trees
  8. 19. A tall plant with long branches and a trunk
  1. 1. A low plant with many branches
  2. 2. A prepared route through the counrtryside or townd for vehicles
  3. 4. An area of the sea inside a curved oart of the coast
  4. 6. A large area of an ocean where coast is curved
  5. 7. An area of salt water near land
  6. 9. A large area with homes, shops and streets
  7. 10. A small area of water, for example in a garden
  8. 11. The edge of land where ot joins sea water
  9. 12. A wide stretch of land covered with trees
  10. 14. A narrow route through the countrysude for animals and peple on foot
  11. 16. Large area of water surrounded by land
  12. 20. A large piece of stone