
  1. 1. nerves that feeds back to the co-ordinating centre
  2. 4. regulation of glucose is an example of this feedback loop
  3. 7. hormone released in response to high sugar
  4. 8. organ that produces urine
  5. 9. a chemical that crosses a junction between to nerves to communicate a signal
  6. 11. coordination centre for thermoregulation
  7. 13. stored in the liver as a form of glucose
  8. 14. hormone released to increase water reuptake
  9. 15. an action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus
  1. 1. a junction between nerves
  2. 2. widening of the arterioles to allow increased blood flow to capillaries
  3. 3. medical condition in which blood glucose is not adequately controlled
  4. 5. the method in which chemicals cross the gap between nerves
  5. 6. gland responsible for the regulation of sugar
  6. 10. hormone released in response to low glucose levels
  7. 12. organ that holds/stores urine
  8. 16. organ that glycogenesis occurs in