
  1. 2. part of the brain associated with the control of body temperature
  2. 3. where the body temperature drops below 35°C
  3. 4. maintains a constant internal temperature [non-conformer]
  4. 9. part that responds to information from the control centre
  5. 10. lowers body temperature
  6. 12. detected by a receptor
  7. 13. vessel that controls the flow of blood to the skin
  8. 14. Our favourite sisters!
  9. 15. lowers blood sugar
  1. 1. detect fluctuations in body temperature
  2. 5. body temperature changes with the surroundings [conformer]
  3. 6. control of body temperature
  4. 7. raises blood sugar
  5. 8. maintaining of a constant internal environment
  6. 11. condition where a person cannot control their blood sugar concentration