- 5. without this we wouldn't be able to walk nor would be have the ability to talk
- 6. Is in the outer part of the ear, right before the auditory Canal
- 7. Another name for adrenaline
- 8. A portion of the brain that regulates temperature in humans
- 11. When the body becomes warm, as it does on this sunny day in an Outdoor Mall, the body adjusts to bring it back to its usual temperature of 36 degrees Celsius
- 15. this can happen if you have a frustrating or difficult job
- 16. A ________ afterimage is when you look at a bright light for period of time, and once you close your eyes, image of light source remains
- 17. they are broken down in the urea
- 20. When your ear pops in a plane or when your chewing it is called the ___________
- 21. It is the largest and most highly developed part of the human brain
- 24. A substance that communicates across a neuronal junction is referred to as a synapse
- 25. acts as the “key” that unlocks the wall “door”
- 29. External sources of body temperature include fish, reptiles, amphibians, and most invertebrates and are known as _______
- 31. ground squirrels remain inactive in cooler burrows during extreme summer heat
- 32. They migrate towards the tips of their branches, just like tree branches do
- 33. As you go up on the rollercoaster, there is always a fear o getting stuck or going too high that you just want to get off. The body responds by increasing your heart rate
- 34. ______ aids in the maintenance of homeostasis by keeping the concentration of solvent and soluble compounds within cells consistent
- 35. when you touch something really hot, your immediate response is to pull away
- 36. Brain disorder which can ruin your memory and all your skills
- 38. when you go to the doctors to get a physical exam, and they give you a cup to get a urine sample, and to see further if you have any health problems such as kidney disorders
- 39. Like an apple on top of the tallest tree, just like apart of the endocrine system and are found on top of the kidney
- 40. The type of diabetes that can be reversible
- 1. When the eye is exposed to intense coloured light for an extended period of time, the image persists when the eye moves away and is called a ________ afterimage
- 2. The projecting that transports impulses away from the neuron core of the neuron
- 3. when you are confronted with a life-threatening situation that leaves you feeling helpless and fearful
- 4. type of glucose that is stored in the body and is connected
- 9. by tapping the patient’s knee with a small hammer, the doctor is stimulating
- 10. As you ride the rollercoaster higher in the air, it sends signals to your glands, muscles, organs, and other systems such as the neurological system, resulting in a loss of heat energy
- 12. yellowish orange liquid component of blood
- 13. ____ this happens when you stare at a red item for a long time and soon the cone cells become fatigue
- 14. if you're getting incredibly nervous before a date and thinking of canceling it
- 18. Our stress increases, especially if you are walking in front of the class s and when the entire class is staring at you during your presentation
- 19. this happens when you get chased by an animal like a coyote
- 22. help make you hungry, make you tired when it gets dark
- 23. As you fly higher into the sky on a plane, your heart rate increases, raising your_______
- 26. the high and fast roller coaster on a sunny day
- 27. When you start to do an activity that makes you move constantly and makes you feel very sweaty and hot
- 28. The desire to lift our hand is translated into real movement of the arms and shoulders
- 30. "Goose bumps" are caused by the ________, which force tiny hairs to rise up
- 37. which move its level back towards normal again