
  1. 5. disposal of wastes
  2. 7. remains 37 degrees
  3. 9. maintain temperature by absorbing thermal energy from the environment
  4. 10. lipid soluble, complex rings of C,H, O
  5. 11. animals that maintain stable body temperature
  6. 12. Pale yellow fluid apart of blood
  7. 14. measure of acidity or basicness
  8. 16. water moving from highly concentrated to a low concentrated area
  9. 19. Regulates rate of glucose oxidation in cells
  10. 20. stimulant that has the same effects as adrenaline
  11. 22. state of reduced metabolic rate and temperature
  12. 24. The Master Gland
  13. 26. located above the kidney
  14. 28. turns glycogen into glucose
  15. 31. helps synchronize biological clock
  16. 33. bottom part of your brain
  17. 37. Eggs leaves ovary
  18. 38. a lot is produced during puberty
  19. 40. Secreted by Sertoli cells
  20. 41. disease that does not produce enough insulin and increase of glucose levels
  21. 42. something this course gives me, increase of blood flow, oxygen and energy
  1. 1. Chemical Symbol of Ca
  2. 2. process of regulating bodily fluids pressure
  3. 3. temperature regulation
  4. 4. Soluble in water, contains chains of amino acids
  5. 6. chemical regulators
  6. 8. Known as an useless organ
  7. 13. repeats every 28 days
  8. 15. acts like a human thermostat
  9. 17. control center of your brain n
  10. 18. may be up to 4 degrees lower then body temp on cold days
  11. 21. Hormone that initiates small contractions of the uterus
  12. 23. Where diabetes occurs
  13. 25. mediator cells detect change and produce this
  14. 27. inflammation of the nephron
  15. 29. water filter for your blood
  16. 30. The Self-Regulating Process
  17. 32. animals that match the temperature of the environment
  18. 34. maintain temperature by internal mechanisms
  19. 35. before a female is born there are 1 million of these
  20. 36. Enzymes and building blocks
  21. 39. Size of a fist and weighs ~0.5kg