Homeostasis - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. the removal of waste materials from the blood and intercellular fluid
  2. 3. when the body core temperature falls below normal range
  3. 6. organisms that depend on air temperature to regulate metabolic rates
  4. 8. a disease that is caused by insufficient production of insulin
  5. 10. the region of the brain that second step in the homeostatic control system that
  6. 12. found at the end plates of axons (an example of one is acetylcholine)
  7. 13. a gland that is located at the base of the neck, in front of the trachea
  8. 15. the body's attempt to adjust to the fluctuating external environment
  9. 16. a type of sensory neuron in the retina that can detect colours
  1. 1. one of the main types of nerve cells, are also functional units of the nervous system
  2. 4. the maintenance of body temperature within a range that allows cells to function efficiently
  3. 5. the gland that is also known as the "master gland"
  4. 7. getting rid of amino acids
  5. 9. balance pH and help maintain water balance
  6. 10. chemical regulators produced by cells that affect cells in other parts of the body
  7. 11. small spaces between neurons, or between neurons and effectors
  8. 14. all neurons contain these. they receive information from sensory receptors and conduct them towards the cell body