
  1. 2. part of the sensory neurone that are found in the receptor cell
  2. 4. these transfer impulses from a receptor to the brain/relay neurone
  3. 5. this raises blood glucose
  4. 7. this reduces blood glucose
  5. 8. a type of gland that releases hormones
  6. 10. the travelling of impulses along a neurone
  7. 15. keeping the internal environment stable
  8. 17. what excess glucose is converted to in the liver
  1. 1. controlling body temperature
  2. 3. this happens to your blood vessels when your body gets hot
  3. 6. these transfer impulses from the brain/relay neurone to an effector
  4. 9. a condition that causes lack of blood glucose control
  5. 11. these contract to raise body hairs
  6. 12. this response bypasses the brain
  7. 13. something our body responds to
  8. 14. a rough measure of obesity
  9. 16. 'chemical messengers'