Homeroom Names

  1. 4. Likes Baking
  2. 5. Dog named Murphy
  3. 8. Loves Stranger Things
  4. 9. Loves coffee
  5. 13. Favorite movie is the Sandlot
  6. 15. Has seven pets
  7. 16. Is short (travel-sized)
  8. 18. Loves animals
  1. 1. Is short
  2. 2. Has four dogs
  3. 3. Has a scar under their left eye
  4. 5. Likes to play soccer
  5. 6. Loves to Eat
  6. 7. Hates spicy chicken
  7. 10. Loves the color purple
  8. 11. Likes fishing
  9. 12. Likes MLB the show
  10. 14. Likes nerds rope
  11. 17. Loves to go to the gym
  12. 19. Loves basketball