Homework Crossword English Job

  1. 2. verbal communication
  2. 5. Children are often very ...
  3. 7. written record of child development
  4. 9. what do you do at school?
  5. 11. science of education
  6. 12. mental and physical education
  7. 13. another word for teaching
  8. 16. Moving on four legs
  9. 17. Children have to learn to follow it
  10. 18. Artistic activity, for example, with scissors and glue
  1. 1. spherical toy
  2. 3. artistic activity with colors
  3. 4. Educational measure for very active children
  4. 6. small people before puberty
  5. 8. a place where children romp
  6. 10. communication with mother and father
  7. 14. how do you call it children to get used to the rule
  8. 15. little kids ... the world
  9. 18. Employment object for children
  10. 19. short everyday break for toddlers