
  1. 1. travel through the air/insect with two wings
  2. 8. not heavy/used to brighten a room
  3. 10. location where you live/give a speech
  4. 13. tell someone to do something/to put things in a logical way
  5. 14. move your hand back and forth quickly/movement of ocean water
  6. 15. sixty of these in one minute/after the first
  7. 18. something burning/told not to return to job
  8. 19. part of the body used for walking/12 inches
  9. 21. another word for stone/to move back and forth
  10. 22. place for stray animals/what you do with a hammer
  11. 25. sound a dog makes/part of a tree
  12. 27. opposite of left/to be correct
  13. 29. belongs to me/gold is found underground here
  1. 2. unit of measure that equals three feet/the land around a house
  2. 3. equipment used to hit a ball/mammal that hangs upside down
  3. 4. to run out of energy/round part of a car
  4. 5. season after winter/coiled piece of metal that can be compressed
  5. 6. place to play/put a car in a certain place
  6. 7. deep hole dug to get water/to feel good
  7. 9. the fur of an animal/not been seen or discovered
  8. 11. go under water/item found in a kitchen and bathroom
  9. 12. another name for jelly/something that is stuck
  10. 15. tool used to cut wood/past tense of see
  11. 16. animal that lays eggs/afraid to do something
  12. 17. opposite of right/to leave
  13. 20. to catch your foot on something/go on a journey
  14. 23. a web-footed swimming bird/quickly move down
  15. 24. small stick that makes fire/two things that go together
  16. 26. where someone is buried/a serious situation
  17. 28. the clear part of a window/something you drink from