
  1. 2. As I was gonna get on the bus my mom said " I love you have a good day" and I yelled back "love you ____"
  2. 3. My mom was getting into photography. But she was holding the camera wrong so I said "Turn the camera on ____ side."
  3. 5. I went to the library. _____ I walked to the park.
  4. 7. The kids over there were selling Popsicles for 1 dollar each I bought _____
  5. 10. As my family was arriving for christmas my mom yelled at me saying "Krissa your grandma needs help getting up the stairs over _____"
  6. 11. On Thursday morning I went to school and my teacher talked to us about cause and _____
  7. 13. I am older ______ her.
  1. 1. As soon as the new girl came to school all of the guys kept asking me _____ that?
  2. 4. As me and my friends were walking out of school my friend said "Look ______ bullying and beating up that kid"
  3. 6. When I was playing UNO at my grandmas house a couple of us weren't paying attention and my grandma asked _____ turn is it?
  4. 7. Every year on thanksgiving my grandma and grandpa give thanks for _____ kids.
  5. 8. There was a homeless person outside that asked for money. I gave her food and prayed with her. She said I really _______ her life.
  6. 9. I accidentally tripped someone when they were walking by. I said sorry and they answered back _____ fine.
  7. 12. When I was hanging out with my sister she said she needed more makeup so she said we should go to the mall.