Horse Breeds

  1. 1. My maximum height is 42"
  2. 3. Pluto, Conversano, Favory, Neopolitano, Siglavy, Maestoso
  3. 7. The mark of endurance is an extra rib
  4. 8. You'll find me in certain branches
  5. 10. Sometimes my ears can touch
  6. 11. During the superbowl, you'll find us with the king of beers
  7. 12. My maximum speed is 44 mph
  8. 13. The late Queens Emma
  9. 15. I don't trot... I tolt
  10. 16. The largest of the five native British ponies
  1. 2. Nicknamed the golden horse
  2. 4. Wild!
  3. 5. The meal of vampires
  4. 6. Blanket Frost Leopard Marble Snowflake
  5. 8. The smallest of horses
  6. 9. I have four sections
  7. 14. The outer hebrides are my home