Hort 260 Lecture Exam #3

  1. 2. Noncuttin technique used most commonly for herbaceous perennials.
  2. 6. Root dimension most important for a successful root cutting.
  3. 10. One of the two phytohormones necessary for bark slipping.
  4. 11. Organ type that bulb scales are.
  5. 12. Plant with root system of a graft.
  6. 13. Layering technique where just one end section is buried.
  7. 15. Softwood cuttings are best when ____ because terminal are tender.
  8. 17. A jade leaf cutting does not have a _____.
  9. 20. In all forms of layering you eliminate ____ to initiate roots.
  10. 22. Limit factor tissue of a leaf cutting.
  11. 24. End of root cuttings where adventitious shoots arise.
  12. 25. Pruning type done to a plant before it is buried for mound layering.
  13. 26. Broadleaf evergreens cuttings should be taken in late ___ to mid-summer.
  14. 28. Near the____: where root cuttings are best taken.
  15. 30. Tissue left on the plant when air layering.
  16. 32. Double ___: three genotypes in a sequence of grafting.
  17. 34. Hardwood cuttings should be the ____ stage when you take them and stick them in the sand.
  18. 35. Harvesting cuttings early in the day helps to maintain ____.
  19. 36. ____ heat can help initiate roots.
  20. 37. ____ movement is how outer chimera layers maintain their integrity.
  21. 39. In leaf cuttings this is the type of adventitious tissue that forms first.
  1. 1. Specialized underground stem storage tissue that has a basal plate but is not a true bulb.
  2. 3. Shoot piece of the donor plant.
  3. 4. Plant with two or more genetically dissimilar tissues growing side by side.
  4. 5. ____ division results in growth of plant girth.
  5. 7. T/F: Monocot air layering is performed the same way as dicots.
  6. 8. Clones from a root system (hint: our mascot).
  7. 9. Parenchyma cells form a ____ bridge after 4-5 days.
  8. 13. Bulblet formation technique in which the basal plate is completely removed.
  9. 14. Tissue type where new roots arrive in root cuttings.
  10. 15. Hardwood cutting section that has a small section of older wood attached.
  11. 16. Higher chance of ___ when grafts are closer taxonomically.
  12. 18. Graft technique where you insert a small piece into the stock plant.
  13. 19. Air layering is ___ than leaf cuttings.
  14. 21. Grafting technique for woody plants, whip and ___ graft.
  15. 23. Narrow-leafed evergreens need ___ light.
  16. 27. Can be applied to the top of hardwood cuttings to stop dessication.
  17. 29. A disadvantage of air layering is it makes ___ cuttings.
  18. 31. Dimension of root cuttings that is most linked to polarity.
  19. 33. Type of true bulb that has an outer tunic.
  20. 38. ____ cuttings are quicker and root in 2-5 weeks.