  1. 3. The worst football team?
  2. 5. What type of roots do Couches typically have?
  3. 6. Indole _______________ acid?
  4. 8. ______________ Safety Data Sheet?
  5. 11. An FCC plant that requires very little water to perform well?
  6. 12. Red Gum. Eucalyptus ________________?
  7. 15. What is largest & hottest celestial body in the solar system?
  8. 17. If you pay peanuts you get _______________ grass?
  9. 20. Job safety analysis?
  10. 21. Blue Gum. Eucalyptus ________________?
  11. 22. A common sucking pest of Roses?
  1. 1. Betula pendula?
  2. 2. Insect larvae that feeds inside leaves?
  3. 4. Typically an ideal time to prune fruit trees, is near the end of or during ______________?
  4. 6. What type of disease of plants will emit a foul odour?
  5. 7. What do MSDS identify?
  6. 9. Tomatoe disease?
  7. 10. Efficient watering method?
  8. 13. a grass that is actually a lilly?
  9. 14. What type of cutting is generally the fastest to strike?
  10. 16. Personnel Proctective Equipment?
  11. 18. The best AFL football team?
  12. 19. Fourth planet from the sun?