
  1. 4. Korean word for tree similar to Namjoon's name
  2. 5. namjoon often visits one to look at art
  3. 6. with an IQ of 148 Namjoon is very ____
  4. 9. the last number of the year Namjoon was born in
  5. 10. Namjoon's important role in BTS
  6. 12. the name of Namjoon's second mixtape
  7. 14. Namjoon stated he always wanted to be a ____
  8. 16. the only 'vehicle' Namjoon gets to drive
  9. 17. height wise, Namjoon is the ____ in BTS
  10. 19. a track from Namjoon's mixtape mono involving an endless weather type
  11. 20. Namjoon's favorite number
  1. 1. these appear when Namjoon smiles widely
  2. 2. Namjoon taught himself this language
  3. 3. Namjoon's nack for destroying things got him nicknamed 'god of ____'
  4. 7. Namjoon's hair color resembled a ____ ball in permission to dance
  5. 8. a group of food Namjoon doesn't like
  6. 11. Namjoon has helped ____ many of BTS' songs
  7. 13. Namjoon's recent intro solo song
  8. 15. a term used to describe Namjoon's eyes
  9. 18. the city Namjoon was born in