- 4. Service that maintains cleanliness in rooms.
- 6. Cloth items for personal hygiene.
- 7. Facilities and features provided by the hotel.
- 8. Electronic access card for hotel rooms.
- 10. Drinking establishment within a hotel.
- 12. Person staying at the hotel.
- 15. Person at the front desk of a hotel.
- 17. Booking for a room in advance.
- 19. Cushion for supporting the head during sleep.
- 20. Furniture for sleeping in a hotel room.
- 1. Facility for personal hygiene in a hotel room.
- 2. Wireless internet connectivity for guests.
- 3. Bags and belongings of hotel guests.
- 5. Morning meal provided by the hotel.
- 9. Process of leaving and paying at a hotel.
- 11. Luxurious room with separate areas.
- 13. Small fridge with beverages and snacks in a room.
- 14. Luxurious room with separate areas.
- 16. Main entrance area of a hotel.
- 18. Individual living space in a hotel.