
  1. 1. a cover that you pull down over a window
  2. 4. on a lower level of a building
  3. 5. space in the roof of a house used for storing things
  4. 7. a wire, wooden, or plastic object for hanging clothes on
  5. 10. flat area at the top of a staircase
  6. 12. a small house in the country
  7. 13. a building with a number of flats in it
  8. 15. a small room where food is kept
  1. 2. not joined to any other house
  2. 3. room below ground level, with windows, for living/working
  3. 6. small building separated from the house usually for storing garden tools
  4. 8. is room for guests
  5. 9. thick material for covering floors, often made of wool
  6. 11. open area as you come into a house
  7. 14. room below ground level, no windows, used for storing things