
  1. 3. It can turn on and off lights
  2. 10. You can wash your hands with it
  3. 13. You can heat up food in this thing
  4. 14. You can cook meat in it for a barbeque
  5. 15. It's liquid and can brush your teeth with it
  6. 16. You eat food with it
  7. 18. Fabric that can be placed on a table
  8. 20. Water goes down it when washing your hands
  9. 22. You can chop food with it
  10. 23. You can chop food on it
  11. 24. You can dry you hands with it
  12. 26. You can go to the internet and play games with it
  13. 28. It has bristles and it can also clean your teeth with it
  14. 29. You can get to the 2nd floor with them
  15. 33. It can cover up windows in night time
  16. 35. You can wash your hair with it
  17. 37. Here grows different trees and bushes
  18. 38. You can bathe or shower yourself in this thing
  19. 40. A part of the house, where smoke comes out
  20. 41. You can heat up water with it
  21. 42. You can drink tea or any liquid from it
  22. 44. You can see the outside through it and you can also open it
  23. 45. It can be on the ceiling and it can light up the room
  24. 46. A room where you sleep in
  25. 48. You can store thing in this room
  26. 49. A room where you can cook and eat
  27. 51. You can do your work on it, but it's not a table
  28. 52. You can eat food from it
  29. 53. In this thing you can store food and it's cold inside
  30. 54. A place where you can warm up the house
  1. 1. Store fruits in it
  2. 2. Probably the main room of the house
  3. 4. You can charge your phone or laptop with it
  4. 5. You park your car here
  5. 6. You can water plants with it outside
  6. 7. You can brush your hair with it
  7. 8. Turning it on makes water go down
  8. 9. It can be hung up on a wall for decoration
  9. 11. Store books in it
  10. 12. You can fix things here
  11. 14. You grow plants here, like tomatoes, and it's very warm inside
  12. 17. You can see your reflection in this thing
  13. 18. You can watch the news and other channels on this thing
  14. 19. You can print any document from it
  15. 21. You can clean and look after yourself in this room
  16. 25. It can clean your clothes
  17. 26. Fabric that can be placed on the floor
  18. 27. Make soup in it
  19. 30. It separates your territory from your neighbours
  20. 31. It's where you store your clothes
  21. 32. A pan that you can quickly cook on the stove
  22. 34. It's like a couch, but smaller
  23. 36. You can bake lots of things in it, like cakes and cook meat
  24. 39. You can dry your hair with it
  25. 40. It's like a smaller closet
  26. 43. Throw trash away in it
  27. 44. It's under the window and you can place smaller things on it, usually a plant
  28. 47. It's just above the oven, you can cook things on it
  29. 50. It's like a fridge, but much colder