
  1. 1. a piece of art as decoration (painting)
  2. 4. Simpson's iconic furniture (couch)
  3. 6. place where you can work out (gym)
  4. 8. usually a house located in farms (ranch)
  5. 14. a area outside filled with water (pool)
  6. 15. a decoration that stores flowers (vase)
  7. 16. a room for alive people (Liiving room)
  8. 19. nature decorations (plants)
  9. 21. you walk these to enter different floors (stairs)
  10. 23. you can sit on it (chair)
  11. 25. blend your fruits or vegetables for a smoothie (blender)
  12. 26. decoration placed on the floor (carpet)
  13. 29. where people sleep (bedroom)
  14. 30. you store clothes in here (wardrobe)
  15. 31. a place to enjoy the view from above (balcony)
  16. 34. Material thats used to make cars (Metal)
  17. 36. you can see through them to look outside (windows)
  18. 39. you wash your dishes in it (sink)
  19. 40. appliance to boil stuff (boiler)
  20. 42. materialthat's needed to make bricks
  21. 43. a ch
  22. 45. place to store books or other stuff (shelf)
  23. 46. something that you eat on (table)
  24. 49. a place to store cars or other tools (Garage)
  25. 50. with an arm (arm chair)
  26. 51. room where people shower (bathroom)
  27. 53. Streets are made out of this material (Concrete)
  28. 54. you can wash your clothes in it (washing machine)
  29. 55. place to maintain cold food (fridge)
  1. 2. rock material (stone)
  2. 3. it channels water over and over again you can throw coins in it (fountain)
  3. 5. boards in kitchen that are on the roof (cupboards)
  4. 7. source of light to light up a certain area (lamp)
  5. 9. smaller version of a wardrobe (closet)
  6. 10. bake your food in it (oven)
  7. 11. the room where the family gathers for dinner (diningroom)
  8. 12. Something that keeps the house warm (furnace)
  9. 13. material that's made out of trees (wood)
  10. 17. people take a hot bath in these (bathtub)
  11. 18. Women usually work in this place(kitchen)
  12. 20. room where kids sleep (kidsroom)
  13. 22. a pot with tea (teapot)
  14. 24. a fancy house type (villa)
  15. 27. photograph of yourself (picture)
  16. 28. space next to a window (windowsill)
  17. 30. old way of getting water from a deep hole (well)
  18. 32. you store stuff in this room (storage room)
  19. 33. underground floor (basement)
  20. 35. you can heat your food in it (microwave)
  21. 37. a passageway to walk through (door)
  22. 38. its green and grows outside (grass)
  23. 41. much bigger passageway than a door (gate)
  24. 44. old stuff is stored in here (Attic)
  25. 47. made out of cement (brick)
  26. 48. colder version of a fridge (freezer)
  27. 52. make some hot bread in it :D (toaster)