
  1. 3. A hall or hallway is the narrow (small, thin) space that connects rooms.
  2. 5. Where the bed is, of course!
  3. 7. The building where you keep a car.
  4. 8. The room where you store and prepare food.
  5. 9. Any room with a toilet and sink.
  6. 10. The set of steps that connect different levels of a house.
  1. 1. The outdoor area at the front, back or side of a house.
  2. 2. The short “road” next to a house where you can park a car or drive it into the garage.
  3. 4. A covered outdoor space.
  4. 5. A level below the ground level of a house.
  5. 6. A room with comfortable furniture for relaxing.
  6. 11. A room at the highest part of a house, below the roof.
  7. 12. The covering on the top of a house.