
  1. 2. where do you sleep
  2. 4. large, stuffed chair
  3. 5. piece of furniture with drawers where you keep folded clothes
  4. 7. a smaller house used to store garden tools and things
  5. 8. you want to craft picaxe but accindetally craft..
  6. 11. thing used to clean teeth
  7. 14. thing used for storing food
  8. 15. where you wash your hands
  9. 16. place used for baking
  1. 1. the thing for smoke to come out
  2. 2. when you are cold you grab?
  3. 3. glass surface where you can see yourself
  4. 5. this word stands for any kind of item that you eat food off
  5. 6. good place to cry in
  6. 9. a room at the highest part of a house, below the roof
  7. 10. cloth used to cover a window
  8. 12. where you hide kids
  9. 13. surface used for cooking