
  1. 3. A grand and luxurious residence with spacious rooms and grounds.
  2. 11. A single-story house with a low, wide porch and a cozy atmosphere.
  3. 12. A dome-shaped dwelling made of ice or snow, used in Arctic regions.
  4. 13. A playful and adventurous house built among the branches of a tree.
  5. 14. An elegant and large house often associated with a wealthy family.
  6. 15. A simple and small shelter made from natural materials like wood or grass.
  1. 1. A traditional home on a farm, surrounded by fields and nature.
  2. 2. A small and cozy home with a charming and picturesque design.
  3. 4. A self-contained living space within a larger building, shared with other residents.
  4. 5. A narrow and tall house typically found in urban areas with shared walls.
  5. 6. A rustic and quaint dwelling typically located in nature or woods.
  6. 7. A beautiful and spacious house often found in a scenic location.
  7. 8. A modern and compact living space within a larger residential building.
  8. 9. A dwelling divided into two separate homes, often with mirrored layouts.
  9. 10. An enormous and majestic structure with towers and a rich history.