
  1. 4. A common area in a house where family members and guests gather to relax, watch TV, or engage in conversation.
  2. 7. The lowermost part of a house, partly or entirely below ground level, often used for storage, utilities, or additional living space.
  3. 8. The vertical structure that forms the sides and divisions of a building, often made of brick, concrete, or wood, providing support and privacy.
  4. 10. An entrance or exit in a building, typically made of wood, metal, or glass, that can be opened and closed to allow people to come in or go out.
  5. 11. An outdoor space around a house, typically with plants, flowers, and grass, used for relaxation, recreation, or growing fruits and vegetables.
  6. 12. A room in a house where meals are eaten, usually containing a table and chairs for dining together as a family or with guests.
  7. 13. A room in a house where people sleep, often containing a bed, furniture, and a closet for storing clothes.
  1. 1. A series of steps or flights that allow people to move between different levels or floors within a building.
  2. 2. A room or area in a house where food is prepared and cooked, usually equipped with appliances, countertops, and cabinets.
  3. 3. The uppermost part of a building that covers and protects the interior from weather elements like rain, snow, and sunlight.
  4. 5. A room in a house that contains a toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower, used for personal hygiene activities.
  5. 6. The level surface inside a building, typically made of wood, tile, or concrete, on which people walk and place furniture.
  6. 7. A platform or small outdoor area attached to a house or apartment, usually with a railing, providing a space to enjoy the view or fresh air.
  7. 8. An opening in a wall or roof of a building, usually with glass panes, allowing light and air to enter and providing a view to the outside.
  8. 9. A shelter or storage space for cars or other vehicles, often attached to or near a house.