
  1. 3. outside space in front or back of the house
  2. 5. bathroom directly connected to a bedroom, or a bedroom connected to a bathroom
  3. 9. you wash your face and have a shower there
  4. 10. you sit, relax and watch tv there
  5. 12. you sleep there
  6. 13. space below the ground-floor
  7. 14. room to store things and do laundry
  1. 1. you cook there
  2. 2. the largest bedroom in the house
  3. 4. room dedicated to eating meals
  4. 6. you use it to go upstairs in a house
  5. 7. space above the top floor to store things you don't use often
  6. 8. you take off your coat there
  7. 11. room in the house used for quiet work such as reading or writing