
  1. 2. A room in the house that is mostly for putting your vehicles in.
  2. 5. The place to have a barbecue at the house.
  3. 7. The area you put decorations on during holidays so people outside can see.
  4. 8. A space just below the roof of the house.
  5. 11. A place in the house that is your personal place to rest
  6. 12. The machine that warms up your leftover cold food.
  7. 14. The place to wash your hands.
  8. 18. A room that is below the ground level of the House.
  9. 19. Where you go to eat in the House.
  10. 20. The place to go to do your business number 1 and number 2.
  1. 1. The room where you put your clothes in to wash.
  2. 3. A room to let your guest rest in and stay in.
  3. 4. Where you store your food that don't need to be cold.
  4. 6. A machine that stores your food that need to be kept cold.
  5. 9. The part of the house where most of the time your guest come to the house and knock on it.
  6. 10. A place to park your vehicle outside the house or go to park it in the house.
  7. 13. where you put your clothes in to stored.
  8. 15. The place in the house to make food.
  9. 16. Where you go to sleep
  10. 17. where you go to hang out at the House.