
  1. 4. A dome-shaped dwelling made of ice, traditionally used by Inuit people.
  2. 5. A large, standalone dwelling with rooms and a yard.
  3. 6. A building divided into separate living spaces, often stacked on top of each other.
  4. 8. Similar to an apartment, but units can be owned rather than rented.
  5. 10. A portable, circular tent with a wooden frame, often used by nomadic communities.
  6. 12. A structure built in the branches of a tree, serving as a play or living space.
  7. 14. Home A portable residence on wheels, designed for easy transport.
  1. 1. A house divided into two separate living spaces, each with its own entrance.
  2. 2. A luxurious, often vacation home with ample space and amenities.
  3. 3. A narrow, multi-story residence attached to other similar houses in a row.
  4. 7. An impressive and grand residence, often with multiple floors and large grounds.
  5. 8. A small, cozy house, usually in a rural or picturesque setting.
  6. 9. A large, fortified building often with towers and a moat, historically used for defense.
  7. 11. A single-story house with a front porch, often surrounded by a garden.
  8. 13. A small, simple house, typically made of wood and located in a rural or wooded area.