
  1. 2. something you sit on
  2. 4. what you sleep on at night
  3. 5. where cars are parked
  4. 8. a room you shower in
  5. 9. what you walk through to go into your house
  6. 12. where you live
  7. 14. bottom floor of your house under ground
  8. 15. where you fold your clothes and store them in this
  9. 16. a place to do homework on
  10. 19. what you walk up to go to the next floor
  11. 20. where your mail is dropped off to
  12. 21. where you store cold food
  13. 22. what you watch shows on
  14. 24. where light comes in through your house
  15. 25. what you get in to be clean
  1. 1. a place where you eat food
  2. 3. what keeps the light from going into your house
  3. 6. where you hang your clothes up at
  4. 7. this item receives all of your calls
  5. 10. what you sit on at the table
  6. 11. where you sleep
  7. 13. you could store tools in this place usually in your backyard
  8. 14. a place that is in the back of your house
  9. 17. soft flooring
  10. 18. place you eat in
  11. 22. when you are done with something you throw it into the ...
  12. 23. humans that roam the house