
  1. 3. to make the same journey regularly between work and home.
  2. 4. the person who pays rent to live in the accommodation.
  3. 6. a social unit composed of those living together in the same dwelling.
  4. 8. shops and services that people like to have close to their houses - such as schools, banks, doctors, stations etc.
  5. 11. a type of accommodation where you live and sleep in the same room.
  6. 12. person who shares a flat with someone.
  7. 13. a row of often small houses joined together along their side walls.
  8. 14. used to describe a bedroom that is connected to a bathroom.
  1. 1. Tax tax in the UK, an amount of money that people living in a particular town, city, or area must pay every year for public services such as collecting waste, repairing roads, etc.
  2. 2. the act of allowing someone to use your house, land, etc. in exchange for regular payments (UK).
  3. 5. a person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes, land and buildings for the owners.
  4. 7. the person who owns your accommodation.
  5. 9. a large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city.
  6. 10. an amount of money which the tenant pays to the landlord when s/he moves in to the accommodation.