House Pets

  1. 3. What does the ___ say?!
  2. 4. Run on wheels all day.
  3. 6. Kentucky fried _______!
  4. 9. This animal loves mud.
  5. 10. Pretty winged insect.
  6. 11. Like a hamster, but with an extremely long tail.
  7. 12. Vampires can turn into this.
  8. 13. Moody, independent but fluffy.
  9. 15. They dig in your trash at night.
  10. 17. This animal can fly and sometimes talk.
  11. 20. You'll see this animal faking death.
  12. 22. Gotta go fast.
  13. 23. The Disney icon.
  14. 25. Shrek's Bestie.
  15. 26. This animal loves nuts.
  1. 1. A scaly animal.
  2. 2. This animal has a hard shell.
  3. 3. An otter but a land animal.
  4. 5. You see this on Easter.
  5. 7. The largest living rodent.
  6. 8. Ribbit.
  7. 13. This animal has 2 claws that pinch hard.
  8. 14. An old form of transportation.
  9. 16. They live in a bowl.
  10. 18. A man's best friend.
  11. 19. Michael Jordan is the ___ !
  12. 21. An extremely long animal.
  13. 23. This animal is normally seen swinging through trees.
  14. 24. This animal has 8 legs and a load of eyes.