
  1. 2. you should pass it through in order to enter your house (NOUN)
  2. 5. color that absorvs all kind of light (adjective)
  3. 6. absence of light(adjective)
  4. 9. move to another neighbour. (PHRASAL VERB)
  5. 11. shiny, it reflects light (adjective)
  6. 12. get out of the bed (PHRASAL VERB)
  7. 13. name of the architect of Disseny HUB Museum ( NAME)
  8. 15. soft, it gives confort to your nap ( NOUN)
  9. 19. name of Mercat de Santa Caterina's architect ( NAME)
  10. 20. where you seat to eat, study, rest… ( NOUN)
  11. 21. oposite of pretty (adjective)
  12. 22. get up _______,________ for your rights (Bob Marley) (PHRASAL VERB)
  13. 24. what do you do in your in your bed ? (VERB)
  1. 1. what do you do before eating at home ? (VERB)
  2. 3. Name of the saint that gives the name to the Square where Barcelona's city hall is located ( NAME)
  3. 4. action while using tv (VERB)
  4. 5. place where you rest at night (NOUN)
  5. 7. object that allows the light to enter into your house (NOUN)
  6. 8. pass away (VERB)
  7. 10. name of the architct who designed Gas Natural's skyscraper ( NAME)
  8. 12. go outside, exit the place (PHRASAL VERB)
  9. 14. object which allows you to feat your soul and enjoy the vibes ( NOUN)
  10. 16. what you need to do in order to clean your dishes (VERB)
  11. 17. second name of the architect of the guggenheim museum in bilbao ( NAME)
  12. 18. something really good, with perfect facts that you like (adjective)
  13. 23. name of Torre's Agbar designer ( NAME)