Household Pets

  1. 3. Colorful birds that can live up to 80 years
  2. 5. A commonly used animal in a car insurance commercial
  3. 7. There are hundreds of different kinds you can buy but they all live under water
  4. 9. These animals collect nuts, live in trees, and can only be legally kept as pets in certain states
  5. 11. These small animals like to explore and may not be suitable pets for children
  6. 13. Pig Rodent that is also known as a Cavy
  1. 1. A small, furry pet that only lives for about 2-3 years
  2. 2. A man’s best friend
  3. 4. Animals that are best kept on a farm and can be ridden
  4. 6. Commonly known as an anti-social pet
  5. 8. A slow and steady animal with a hard shell
  6. 10. Slithery pets that many people fear
  7. 12. Pets that like to hop and need a lot of exercise