Houseplant Happiness

  1. 2. Dizygotheca Elegantissima
  2. 5. Greek meaning Tail Flower
  3. 6. Pachypodium comes from the Greek for 'thick foot'
  4. 8. Commonly called Wax Plants
  5. 10. Greek meaning 'wicker'
  6. 11. Codiaeum's leaf colors include: yellow, green, copper, red, pink, orange, brown, & ivory
  7. 12. Name honors 16th Century botanist, Bartolommeo Maranti
  8. 13. Commonly called Weeping Fig
  9. 14. Named for Michael Begon
  1. 1. Crassula Argentea comes from South Africa
  2. 3. the common name for Monstera Deliciosa
  3. 4. These leaves have patterns that branch intricately like a nerve network
  4. 6. native to Solomon Islands in South Pacific
  5. 7. D. Deremensis can grow 2 to 5 feet tall
  6. 9. The Unicorn plant
  7. 13. Natively found on most continents, including the Arctic