How Books are Made

  1. 5. After the cover is attached, the book is shipped to book ______ and libraries.
  2. 9. This person comes up with the idea for the story
  3. 10. The publisher is the company that takes the story and makes it into ______.
  4. 12. Pages are put together and attached to the front and back _______ .
  5. 13. The author reads his story over and ________ .
  6. 14. The pages in hardback books are _________ together.
  7. 15. Doug likes the _______ of a new book!
  1. 1. The person who works on the pictures in a story.
  2. 2. This is a person at the publishing company that has to look at the story for mistakes.
  3. 3. Paperback books are put together using ________ .
  4. 4. An author's ideas start from asking a _________ .
  5. 6. Not all ________ get made into books.
  6. 7. A practice book is called a ________ .
  7. 8. These kinds of books have floppy covers.
  8. 11. This company has machines that make pages into books.